Monday, December 12, 2016

I've only been hir for a week now but so fare I've learned that its not so bad to go to a new school and that there are sum teachers that really care for kids like me and thy put a lot of time and effort in kids like me and there are sum cool kids that welcome new people like me as well and I've also learned that i really want to get in to new things like sport and make new friends.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Do things like talking to people you don't know and get to know by just putting yourself out there and it helps out side of school like trying to get a job or just meeting people on the street it makes it easier to billed confidence and talking to to a group helps you understand what other people think or what ideas thy have. It just feels good when you get to meet new people and just let people see the real and happy you and it not fun to just go through life by your self. You just need that one person to be by your side when you walk the road of life.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

What I've learned this week is that not everyone has the same ideas in life and people can look happy but really be different inside. I've also learned that everything in life is not easy but the fun part is pushing yourself as far as you can push and you can do what ever you want in life and its easy to talk to people you just have to put yourself out there.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

I think its important to remember the past because everything that happened in the past leads up to what happens in the future.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hello and welcome to my first blog
My name is Erik and the thing that I really want to do most is go in to the army and support my family just like thy supported me. I would like to be in the airfares and just do what I can to help and after that I would like to go to collage and just get to know more stuff then I already know and after I do that I would like to be a police officer and just do that for my life. That's all I really got to say for now. thank you for reading my blog